Conway's Garden Of Life (oakreef) Mac OS

CS 420/527 — Biologically InspiredComputation
NetLogo Simulation

Search or Browse questions and pick one to see answers. Monthly overview. Conway's Game of Life. Game of Life - To get started, hit the AutoPopulate button (right side) a few times (or right-click to toggle cells individually). Click Play (left side) to begin evolving, or space bar to toggle play/stop. It's what it says on the tin, Conway's Game Of Life done in 'garden' form. Done in a rush for Ludum Dare 46: Keep It Alive. Controls: Left mouse - plant and remove crops. R - Reset the stage. Goals: There is no 'win' state (though there's definitely a way to lose). Collect as many berries as you can while trying to avoid 'wasting' crops. Download Conway's Game Of Life for Windows to determine initial state and observe how it evolves. Life plus is python based, but runs at a reasonable speed for enjoyment. The number of neighbors determines a cell's color in next generation. Very interesting growth patterns can be created with tiny centered seeds or randomly. Conway's Game of Life is easily implemented (see suggestions). With multiple generations (up to 6 different sets of.

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This program is an example of a two-dimensional cellularautomaton. A cellular automaton is a computational machine thatperforms actions based on certain rules. It can be thought of as aboard which is divided into cells (such as square cells of acheckerboard). Each cell can be either 'alive' or 'dead.' This iscalled the 'state' of the cell. According to specified rules, each cellwill be alive or dead at the next time step.

This particular cellular automaton is called The Game of Life.The rules of the game are as follows. Each cell checks the state ofitself and its eight surrounding neighbors and then sets itself toeither alive or dead. If there are less than two alive neighbors, thenthe cell dies. If there are more than three alive neighbors, the celldies. If there are 2 alive neighbors, the cell remains in the state itis in. If there are exactly three alive neighbors, the cell becomesalive. This is done in parallel and continues forever.

There are certain recurring shapes in Life, for example, the'glider' and the 'blinker'. The glider is composed of 5 cells whichform a small arrow-headed shape, like this:

This glider will wiggle across the world, retaining its shape.A blinker is a block of three cells (either up and down or left andright) that rotates between horizontal and vertical orientations.


The INITIAL-DENSITY slider determines the initial density ofcells that are alive. SETUP-RANDOM places these cells. GO-FOREVER runsthe rule forever. GO-ONCE runs the rule once.

If you want to draw your own pattern, use the ADD-CELLS buttonand REMOVE-CELLS button and then use the mouse to 'draw' in the view.Make sure only one of the two buttons is active -- if they're bothactive, you'll get unexpected behavior.


Find some objects that are alive, but motionless.

Is there a 'critical density' - one at which all change andmotion stops/eternal motion begins?

Conways Garden Of Life (oakreef) Mac Os Catalina


Are there any recurring shapes other than gliders and blinkers?

Build some objects that don't die (using 'add-cells')

How much life can the board hold and still remain motionlessand unchanging? (use 'add-cells')

The glider gun is a large conglomeration of cells thatrepeatedly spits out gliders. Find a 'glider gun' (very, verydifficult!).


Give some different rules to life and see what happens.

Experiment with using neighbors4 instead of neighbors (seebelow).


The neighbors primitive returns the agentset of the patches tothe north, south, east, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, andsouthwest. So 'count neighbors with [living?]' counts how many of thoseeight patches have the living? patch variable set to true.

neighbors4 is like neighbors but only uses the patches to thenorth, south, east, and west. Some cellular automata, like this one,are defined using the 8-neighbors rule, others the 4-neighbors.


Life Turtle-Based - same as this, but implemented usingturtles instead of patches, for a more attractive display
CA 1D Elementary - a model that shows all 256 possible simple 1Dcellular automata
CA 1D Totalistic - a model that shows all 2,187 possible 1D 3-colortotalistic cellular automata
CA 1D Rule 30 - the basic rule 30 model
CA 1D Rule 30 Turtle - the basic rule 30 model implemented using turtles
CA 1D Rule 90 - the basic rule 90 model
CA 1D Rule 110 - the basic rule 110 model
CA 1D Rule 250 - the basic rule 250 model


Conways Garden Of Life (oakreef) Mac Os X

The Game of Life was invented by John Horton Conway.

See also:

Von Neumann, J. and Burks, A. W., Eds, 1966. Theory ofSelf-Reproducing Automata. University of Illinois Press, Champaign, IL.

'LifeLine: A Quarterly Newsletter for Enthusiasts of JohnConway's Game of Life', nos. 1-11, 1971-1973.

Martin Gardner, 'Mathematical Games: The fantasticcombinations of John Conway's new solitaire game `life',', ScientificAmerican, October, 1970, pp. 120-123.

Martin Gardner, 'Mathematical Games: On cellular automata,self-reproduction, the Garden of Eden, and the game `life',',Scientific American, February, 1971, pp. 112-117.

Berlekamp, Conway, and Guy, Winning Ways for your MathematicalPlays, Academic Press: New York, 1982.

William Poundstone, The Recursive Universe, William Morrow:New York, 1985.

To refer to this model in academic publications, please use:Wilensky, U. (1998). NetLogo Life model. for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, NorthwesternUniversity, Evanston, IL.

In other publications, please use: Copyright 1998 UriWilensky. All rights reserved. See terms of use.

Program modified 2007-07-25 by Bruce MacLennan to allow savingand loading of complete CA state. Updated for NetLogo 4 on 2008-07-02.


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Last updated: 2010-09-07.

Explore a garden with the arrow keys and tend it as you like. Hold X to reset.

Based on Conway's Game of Life.

Entry for TweetTweetJam 4 made with PICO-8. This is the entire source code:

Updated 18 hours ago
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux, HTML5
Made withPICO-8
Tagsgame-of-life, Gardening, PICO-8

Install instructions

.p8 and .p8.png files require PICO-8 fantasy console to run.


Conways Garden Of Life (oakreef) Mac Os Update

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I really enjoyed wandering around the garden trying to coax the plants to grow into interesting shapes.·View all by oakreef·Report·Embed·