Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac OS

  1. Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac Os Catalina
  2. Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac Os 11
  3. Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac Os 8
  4. Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac Os Catalina

At US$29.99, it allowed adventurous Mac users to sample Apple's new operating system and provide feedback for the actual release. The initial version of Mac OS X, 10.0 'Cheetah', was released on March 24, 2001. Older Mac OS applications could still run under early Mac OS X versions, using an environment called 'Classic'.

As a new Mac OS X user, you likely have little knowledge of tips to make your Mac run faster. Well, one of the major challenges that we all struggle with is space management. When your storage space runs low, your device begins to slow down, which can be very annoying. Well, it is frustrating when you can’t complete your task on time or download your favorite video because your Mac OS X device is either too slow or space-suffocated. In this article, we share some tricks that will help elevate your Mac OS X experience.

Get Rid of Applications that you don’t Use

If you run a quick audit on your applications, you will find out that several applications occupy a large share of space, yet you don’t need them. Take time to check which applications take a lion share of your disk space and delete them. Just open The “Finder” window and choose “Applications.” Hit the “Show items in a list” icon and sort them by size. Drag those applications that don’t have much value to you and drop them to the Trash.

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Clean Junk to Make Mac Faster

Every time you run an application on your computer, a cache might be created to enable the app to run faster. It is a nice way to improve the speed of your machine, but there is nothing good about storing lots of junk files, at least if you care about saving some space. Keep in mind that these files do not delete automatically and will keep on accumulating. With time they will eat up your Mac OS X space and slow it down. The remedy is to frequently run disk cleanup that will make mac faster and smooth. Just look for a suitable Mac disc cleaner to get rid of this junk and improve your experience.

Empty your Trash

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Trash is the Mac equivalent of Recycle Bin in Windows. When you delete a file or an application, your Mac will throw them to the Trash bin. The logic is to allow users to seamlessly reinstall or trace the files they deleted if still required. With more files deposited here, more memory is colonized by the Trash and ends up slowing your computer. Since you made your mind to remove these files, simply empty your trash bin and free more space in your hard drive. To empty your Trash, click and hold the Trash icon. Click the “Empty Trash” option that subsequently pops up.

Clean Up iTunes Backups

If you backed up your iOS devices to your Mac via iTunes, then these backups are eating a huge space in your Mac’s hard drive. It is not surprising to find space worth of GBs on your hard drive assigned to iTunes backup! Nevertheless, you can delete iOS backups manually or use a cleanup tool. The latter is better because it shows the names of your backups. This way, you can’t delete your backups blindly.

Final Thoughts

There are plenty of other useful tricks that will ensure faster performance for your Mac OS X device. Nevertheless, the few outlined are top-proven hacks that should make your experience faster and exciting!

Author Bio:-

Liam Nguyen- Liam Nguyen is a freelance web designer and a blogger. He serves as a content writer for the team of Outreach Monks, and additionally, loves crawling the web pages and finding new and innovative styles of writing.

Macintosh System 3.4-tan
Character information
Common nameMacintosh System 3.4-tan
Also known asMac OS 3.4-tan
First appearanceJan 2009
Height180 cm (5'11')
Hair colordark brown
Eye colordark grey
FactionWanderer Class (since 1992)
LineageClassic Mac
Technical information
System personifiedMacintosh System 3.4, AppleShare 2.0.1 Work Station
DebutEarly 1988
Latest releaseEarly 1988
  • 2Character details
    • 2.1Family and relationships
  • 3OSC Notes

Technical details


Macintosh System 3.4 was released as part of AppleShare 2.0.1 Work Station to add this support to System 3, [ and to the Macintosh 512Ke, and uses Finder 6.1, the same Finder version used with System 6.

Character details

Macintosh System 3.4-tan is represented as a tall and eccentric woman, appearing to be in her early twenties, with long dark brown hair tied into forked pigtails. Her hair is decorated with red ribbons, three gold hairclips on one side and a 3.4 hairclip on the other. She wears a pair of large mask-like sunglasses, a grey frilly blouse, light blue skirt, yellow leggings and red ballet flats. She carries a parachute backpack in the style of a compact Mac.

She is very bold, daring, and very outgoing, She has great networking skills, but is also stubborn and single-minded, owing to very specific role that System 3.4 was created for.

Her eccentric personality, appearance, and role are because of System 3.4's highly unusual version numbering and release date compared to other Mac OS versions.

Family and relationships

System 3-tan

System 3-tan was System 3.4-tan's mentor, and helped her with using her powers, and how to use them for networking and sharing information. She was very sad when System 3.4-tan left home.

System 6-tan

System 3.4-tan and System 6-tan are twin sisters, owing to having the same Finder version number and almost the same release date. They have always gotten along, because they never competed over who would lead the Mac House during the time they were both current.

System 7-tan

She did not feel threatened by System 7-tan when she debuted, because AppleShare 2.0.1 was still the current version in 1991. A version of System 7 was used for AppleShare 3, which was released in 1992. System 3.4-tan disliked her over this, but let go of this resentment after finding her new lease on life.

System 7.5-tan

Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac OS

She might be friends with System 7.5-tan, since interpretations portray her as being eccentric, due to System 7.5's history.


She tends to be friends with other OS-tans who are eccentric, obscure, or were misfits within their original families. She is friends with Commodore 65-tan, Windows 3.2-tan and DEC Rainbow 100-tan. She may also be friends with A/UX-tan, Windows 97-tan, and EvilEntity Linux-tan.


She is physically very weak, and not suited to melee combat, but has strong psychic abilities, and can read minds. Her physical weakness is a trade-off for having stronger psychic abilities and a more specialized, limited-release OS.

OSC Notes

In the Annex Project continuity, she was a member of the House of Mac, but left in 1992, and has been a wanderer since then. Most of her friends are also wanderers.

History and background

System 3.4-tan was never meant to lead the Mac House, but was entrusted to continue the specialized role as a file sharing server OS that System 3-tan created, and to use her powers for this purpose. It was an important role that she took pride in, by operating the communication infrastructure, and using her telepathic abilities to quickly share information with the other Mac-tans. Being a more specialized OS, she was optimized for this role, but was also less capable of coping with being obsolete when it happened.

In 1992, System 7-tan was assigned to take over this role, and System 3.4-tan ran away from home because she could not handle being obsolete. As an obsolete proprietary OS, she was at a disadvantage as a wanderer. She had several near-death experiences in her early years, and was barely surviving, but donated a lot of her money and supplies she earned to the rest of the Mac-tans to try and aid them. She felt remorseful over not fighting alongside her sisters during the OS Wars. She chose to become a stunt performer because she no longer feared death, and believed she had nothing to lose.

One of the first friends she made as a wanderer was Commodore 65-tan, who had recently been exiled from her own home faction, and was left as an abandoned prototype. They met Windows 3.2-tan later during the OS Wars, and befriended her when she was to prove that she did not have anything to do with the OS Wars. They banded together over their shared backgrounds of being wanderers, obscure, or the odd ones out among their families.

Shortly after the Vintage Federation was founded, in 1997 or 1998, its members were seeking other struggling wanderers. She refused their recruitment efforts to not abandon the friends and livelihood she gained, and because she thought the Vintage Federation pitied her, and she did not want their pity.

Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac Os Catalina

She and her friends found success, and defied the odds against them through a lot of luck and hard work, and she found a new use for her networking skills by organizing and hosting events to show off the talents of other wanderers.

Other Notes

Her previous characterization of feeling overshadowed and not believing she had a purpose in life before becoming a wanderer was based off of very limited information her creator had. From further research, a new characterization was retconned in portraying her as being successful in her early years and taking pride in her specialized role, since AppleShare 2.0 was well-received, but believing she lost her purpose in life when she became obsolete, and became a wanderer to keep having a purpose.

Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac Os 11

Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac Os 8

See also:

Sentris: Debut Prototype Mac Os Catalina

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