Apr 23, 2021 NOTE: Mac OS Sierra (10.12.x), High Sierra (10.13.x), Mojave (10.14.x), Catalina (10.15.x), and Big Sur (11.1) computers no longer need a CAC Enabler. Try to access the CAC enabled site you need to access now. Mac support provided by: Michael Danberry: If you have questions or suggestions for this site, contact Michael J. From Mac OS 7.6 up to Mac OS 10.6. Compatibility notes. Architecture: PPC (Carbonized for OSX) At least 16MB of free RAM. Mac OS 7.6 - Mac OS 9.2.2 (Classic version) Mac OS X 10.1 - 10.6 (Carbon version) Mac OS 10.3.9 to Mac OS 10.6 (OS X Installer) Emulating this? It should run fine under: SheepShaver.

  • Please stick to the format used, there is a template at the bottom.
  • Please do not change details for others mods.
  • Please provide accurate descriptions about elements.
  • Only the owner may modify the information for their mod.
  • People posting 'bugs' doesn't help, post them in the relevant forum thread.
  • Source code MUST be posted (in effect from 22 Oct 2010)
  • Existing links will not be removed. All future links must have source code included.

The license you agreed to when you began to modify TPT states that source code must be provided when asked, as we're not all Windows users, just posting the binaries isn't any good.

  • 1TPT-Ultimata
    • 1.5Links:
  • 3There are no working download links whatsoever, that's a big shame -lunaxiii
    • 3.6Links
  • 4AntB's TPT Fork
    • 4.5Links
  • 5Pilojo's Mod
    • 5.4Links
  • 6Vanadium's Fork
    • 6.4Elements Added:
  • 7TheWiseEyes's triple mods
  • 8Rusty's Mod
  • 9Wikku's Powder Toy
    • 9.4Links
  • 10Jakester12345's Powder Toy
  • 11IRC Mod
    • 11.4Links:
  • 12theDragn's Mod
    • 12.5Links:
  • 13tian1107's additions
    • 13.5Links:
  • 14Murtaugh's mod
    • 14.4Elements Added:
    • 14.5Links:
  • 15Neospector's mod
    • 15.5Links:
  • 16PizzaPlatypus' mod
    • 16.5Links:
  • 17Diissaster's Mod
    • 17.5Links:
  • 18Me4502's Mod
    • 18.6Links:
  • 19Jacob1's Mod
    • 19.6Links:
  • 20FeynmanPowder
  • 21The Alchemy Mod
    • 21.4Links: Forum thread
  • 22Template


Created By: Bowserinator

Version: 1.0.1



Elements Added:




Forum thread:

Source Code





Creators Comments

Lost interest in this

MaksProg's mod

There are no working download links whatsoever, that's a big shame -lunaxiii

Created By: MaksProg

Version: 1.6


  • ARAY and SWCH is metalable.
  • ACID can be dilute by water. acid don't corrode BRAY with life<50.
  • AMTR don't annihilate with BRAY with life<50.
  • Destruction of detonation of explosives (such as C4) mostly is in pressure.
  • Burning is remade. It more realistic. Gas can burn safely. Examles
  • O2 can't burn, it increase temperature of flame.
  • Fission of plutonium is remade. It can divide in low pressure if it much.
  • Max temp is 20000.
  • Changes in CNCT.
  • Few changes in thermal conductivity.

Total elements added: 41

Elements Added:

  • H2, Hydrogen. Explosive if sparse. When burned turns to water. You can ignite it to burn safely
  • H2F, Flame of H2.
  • AKAL, Alkali. Dissolves almost everything. Neutralizes acid to form SLTW.
  • SODM, Sodium. It can burn. Reacts with water to form AKAL, H2 and allocation of a large quantity of heat.
  • LSDM, Liquid sodium. Reacts with water more active.
  • SO3, Sulfuric anhydride. Reacts with water to form acid and warm. Volatile liquid (evaporate under normal conditions).
  • SO3G, Gas of SO3. As the temperature it's condensed directly in the solid state.
  • SO3S, Solid of SO3.
  • FLNE, Fluorine. Dissolves almost everything. Enlarge temperature of flame. In fluorine water can burn!!
  • RGUN, Ray Gun. Metalable. Try use it how normal aray, but put on the line goal. It destroy something by temperature and pressure. VERY COOL!!!
  • VLVE, Valve. Metalable. Allows patricles if activated. Activate/deactivate - PSCN/NSCN.
  • UDVE, Undestroyable Valve.
  • BASE, Not corrosible base. Neutralises acid.
  • PRES, Pressure explosive.
  • ELEC, Electrons. In contact with the conductor form an electric current.
  • CATE, Cathode. Radiate electrons if sparked.
  • PLUM, Plumbum. Absorbs neutrons. One pixel - 2/3 neutrons.
  • LLRP, Low-level radioactive powder.
    Generates neutrons, and at normal pressure. Surface radioactive.
  • VIRU, virus!!
  • SULF, Sulfur. Can burn into SO2. Can be used in synthesizer acid.
  • SO2, Gas. Slightly corrosible.
  • V2O5, Vanadium pentoxide. Turns SO2 into SO3. Can be used in acid synthesizer.
  • RUBY, Ruby. Not corroded by acid and alkali and not breaked by pressure. But metalable. Passes through rays of agun.
  • HPRS, solid. Increases pressure. Metalable.
  • DETE, Detector. Generates electricity if contact with particles (no solids) and cools. Can be used in deffetent electric generators.
  • ALOG, allow gases.
  • ALOL, allow luquids.
  • ALOP, allow powders.
  • ALOU, allow particles moving upwards.
  • ALOD, allow particles moving downward.
  • PROT, Protons, can make neutron matter if have high temperature. Can be used for production of low mass neutron matter (more neutron matter can be produced by dint of neutron irradiation of neutron matter).
  • NEMR, neutron matter, very heavy. Unstable in high temeratures. Can absorbs neuterons and due to this grows.
  • TRIT, tritium oxide, beta radioactive liquid. Decay rate depends on temperature. In normal temperature doesn't decay. In high tmperatures glow and radiate electrons and terns into nble plasma. Mix with deut for to make fusion mixture. It explodes and generates very many neutrons. After first explosion second explosion may. be. It's NEMR explosition. Neutrons fall into protons and electrons, protons make NEMR and heat it.
  • RESI, resistor. Spark on resictor can disappere.
  • SPG, Force-field generator. Creates bray around itself if it recieves sparks. Allows make other type of shield. It can hold bobms, amtr, but no very hot things.
  • LGSP, Like aray, but bray lines have limited length and it can hold particles. Can be used in bobmers, force-field capacity (which can be opened) with SPG.
  • FIBL, Fire ball!!! Belives unpredictable.


Beta 1.65
Win32 Compiled
Linux Compiled


AntB's TPT Fork

Created by: AntB

Version: 4.10

Total Elements Added: 32

One removed, One pinched back by Simon and 6 are 1 with different colours.

Elements Added:

  • SUWR - Single use wire.
  • EMIT - Releases photons when sparked.
  • O2 - Gas, Ignites easily. --- Added in v42
  • LO2 - Liquid Oxygen, Very Cold, Ignites easily. --- Added in v42
  • H2 - Gas, combines with 02 to make WATR.
  • LH2 - Highly explosive when mixed with LO2. Temperature is absolute 0.
  • H2O2 - Rocket Fuel.
  • GROW - Growth particle, expands whatever element it hits.
  • RBRI - Red Brick, construction material, insulates wires.
  • RADI - Solid radioactive substance, decays into Radon Gas.
  • AMTR - Anti-matter, destroys the majority of particles and creates a vacuum. May release PHOT --- Added in v43 BETA
  • MUNE - Mutagenic neutrons, mutates elements.
  • MUNP - Mutagenic photons, mutates elements.
  • PCLN - Clone activated by PSCN, deactivated by NSCN --- Added in v43 BETA
  • COAL - Burns Slowly --- Added in v42
  • DESL - Liquid, explodes under high pressure and temperatures. --- Added in v42
  • R,G,B,C,M,Y - Neons, barely visible until powered by PSCN, can discharge with NSCN. Usful for signs.
  • IRON - Simon got it...
  • LEAD - Resistor, blocks neutrons.
  • LLED - Liquid Lead
  • X * Unknown. Use and see.
  • ZINC - Reacts with SLTW
  • GSTL - Galvanised steel, made by melting ZINC and METL/BMTL
  • SOIL - Grows plant when watered. Pressurises into ERTH
  • ERTH - De-pressurises to SOIL
  • NP2* Napalm-B, use THRM to ignite.
  • MTHN - Methane, expands rapidly and burns quickly. Best used in confined spaces.
  • CLOU - Releases WATR, SNOW and THDR based on its temperature.
  • DHLE - GoL - Deathless B2/S123456789/2
  • SERV - GoL - Serviette B234/S/2
  • REMX - Undo for X
  • ANTB - GoL - B2/S134/3
  • CPT1 - Capacitor type 1 - Unlimited storage for SPRK. Charge with METL when its off, Releases to INWR when on. Turn ON with PTCT and turn off with NTCT
  • CPT2 - Capacitor type 2 - Temperature controlled SPRK storage. Charge with METL, Releases to INWR when its full.
  • SDUT - Solid DEUT - Requested by Mortvert on the IRC channel.
  • GDUT - Gaseous DEUT - Requested by Mortvert on the IRC channel.


SOURCE CODE Win32 Compiled (all links are broken)powder-sse.exepowder-sse2.exepowder-sse3.exe

Linux Compiled
Other Downloads

Known Bugs

> Please post bugs in the forum topic given provided they haven't already been posted. Do not post them here...

Creators Comments

Forum ThreadThe CPT elements can be used as SPRK multipliers/reducers and as transformers.

Pilojo's Mod

Created by: pilojo

Total Elements Added: 4

Elements Added:

  • LASR: Laser. Melts metal almost instantly. Acts like photons. (Based on yew101's mod)
  • RCKT(Rocket fuel): Highly explosive liquid. (Based on antb's mod)
  • RUBY: Different colored DMND.
  • PPNE(propane): Highly explosive liquid. Burns colder than RCKT.
  • MYST(mystery):You have to guess what this does. (Not working as supposed to but, it's in the mod.)
  • AMON(amonium nitrate): Cools down if touching water.
  • FOSS(fossil):Turns into diamond powder when pressurized.
  • PDMD(Diamond powder): Diamond powder.
  • VENT: Changes pressure to 0 (Based on wikku9's mod)
  • FRON: (freon): Cold gas.
  • RNBW (rainbow flame): Rainbow flame (Based on yew101's mod, didn't take source. Messed up on an attempt for CFLM but it ended up being RNBW.)
  • BCOL(broken coal):Burns slightly faster than COAL.
  • BPRF(Bullet proof glass):Indestructable other than melting.


Win32 Compiled
Msvcr100d.dll for those that don't have it.


Creator Comments

does not work

Vanadium's Fork

Created By: Vanadium

Version: 10

Total Elements Added: 10

Elements Added:

  • FLRN - Fluorine
  • MGSM - Magnesium
  • BASE - Base
  • COXD - Carbon Dioxide
  • FUMS - Fumes
  • HYG - Hydrogen
  • LTHR - Leather
  • EMBR - Ember
  • CBWR - Carbonated Water
  • CMNT - Cement
  • Added Category Heat!


  • Win (C) -
  • Mac (C) -
  • Lin (S) -
  • Extra DLLs -

TheWiseEyes's triple mods

Created By: TheWiseEyes

Changes: 3

  • STKM has 10000 health
  • Added Choc
  • Moving Solids

Total Elements Added: 1


Compiled Windows Binaries and Source:

Known Bugs

  • MCHC won't burn
  • CHOC burns into fire

Creators Comments

Only two are compiled.

Users Comments

Celo753: I need to pay to download... fuuuuu

Rusty's Mod

Created by: Rusty

Total Elements Added: 2

Elements Added:

  • ERTH (earth, ERTH + WTER grows PLNT, becomes METL under pressure, ICE formed when tempreture is less than 0c, lava is formed when tempreture is over 100c, GAS is released every now and then.
  • DERP 'just looks awesome'



Wikku's Powder Toy

Created by: wikku9

Total Elements Added: 4

Elements Added:

  • TITN
  • EFSE
  • ACHL
  • VENT


Win32 Compiled
Source Code



Creator Comments

Jakester12345's Powder Toy

Created by: Jakester12345

Total Elements Added: 18

Elements Added:

  • MERC (Mercury)
  • H (Hydrogen)
  • He (Helium)
  • Li (Lithium)
  • Be (Berylium)
  • BSDA (Baking Soda)
  • VNGR (Vinegar)
  • CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)
  • ALCH (Alchohol)
  • DIRT (Dirt)
  • Mud (Mud)
  • Mg (Magnesium)
  • HCL (HydroChloric Acid)
  • WWOD (Wet Wood)
  • SPRM (Sperm)
  • OVUM (Ovum)
  • Na (Sodium)
  • CRZY (Crazy) Renamed

Win32 Compiled

Source Code



SPRM and OVUM make STKM but he dies and turns to dust straight awayMercury dissappears when it's sparked


Created By: AntB

Version: 2.02

Elements Added:

  • SIMN - iSimon - Crazy reset gas.
  • ANTB - AntB - Crazy photons.
  • CATE - Catelite - Use with care. :P
  • NIBB - Nibble/Felix - Expands across the screen in a blaze of trolling glory.
  • CRAC - Cracker64 - Spongey. Made by himself.
  • LIEU - Lieuwe - Slow battery.
  • IEF* ief015 - Static Stuff.
  • EYES - TheEyes - Throws elements away without creating pressure.
  • DEVA - Devast8a - A bit more then slightly explosive :P
  • WHER - where - Powdered CLNE.


Source Code
Win32 Compiled
Linux Compiled

Creators Comments

>Please do not edit other peoples sections.

theDragn's Mod


Please feel free to use any of my code or ideas, just be kind enough to give me a little credit.

Version: 1.2


Fixed smoke glitch.Yeast now produces CO2 and ETHL when it grows.O2 is a little bit less spastic looking.Some elements have been moved to different categories.Added Hazardous category.

Elements Added:

  • SMTX: Semtex. Plastic explosive that can melt metal.
  • H2: Hydrogen gas, can melt metal
  • LBMB: Lava bomb. Explodes into lava when it touches something.
  • TITA: Titanium. Just like METL, but melts at higher temperatures.
  • VRUS: Virus. Turns whatever it touches into more virus.
  • MRPH: Morph. Turns into whatever it touches.
  • AGAS: Acid gas.
  • CO2: Carbon dioxide. Heavy gas. Not flammable.
  • ETHL: Ethyl alcohol. (drinking alcohol) Burns.
  • DICE: Dry ice. Solid form of CO2


Source Code

I'm not sure what version this is, so LBMB might not work.

Win32 Compiled

tian1107's additions

Created By: tian110796

Version: 3.5


any and any2 variables for each particle

Elements Added:

  • FPLT: fast growing plant. grows around particles.
  • SOAP: Soap. Removes everything that is not solid.
  • REMT: emitter of radio waves
  • RREC: receiver of radio waves
  • CHAN: Channel changer. Changes channel of REMT and RREC
  • Protons: adds one to the particle's element number
  • INTF: blocks signals
  • WEMT: wired emitter. emits signals.
  • WREC: wired receiver. gets only signals from WEMT
  • PGLW: powdered glow. mix with water to make it GLOW.
  • IEMT: infrared emitter. emits signals like photons
  • IREC: receives signals from IEMT
  • HGEN: Creates heat waves
  • HWAV: heats the surroundings
  • CHLN: Reacts to many things
  • TUNN: tunneler. Creates tunnels underground horizontally
  • VTNN: vertical tunneler. Creates tunnels underground vertically


Source Code
Win32 Compiled

Radio Wave Display: displays radio waves in color.

Known Bugs

Use of Tunnelers with round brush

Creators Comments

Starcatcher Mac Os X

You can suggest elements at

Murtaugh's mod

Created By: Mur

Version:45.2 (or 1.7)


Elements Added:

GoL particles added:



Source Code


Win32 Compiled

(Thank's to Cracker64)[]

Linux Compiled




Known Bugs


Creators Comments

Any bug, or suggestion post on this topic

Neospector's mod

Created by: Neospector

Using the source from 42.3, version 1.3

Changes: 13 elements added, few different reactions added

Elements added:

  • HYDR - Hydrogen, happy?
  • STOP - Indestructible insulator.
  • ELEV - 'Elevator' for stickman
  • NUKE - Because you can't make your own.
  • NEOD - Neodium, indestructible metal.
  • POST - Positive electrical output. Used to separate WATR into O2 without it combining with HYDR
  • NEGA - Same as POST, but switching O2's and HYDR's places.
  • PROT - Protons, combine with NEUT for random elements.
  • ELEC - Electrons. Battery gas.
  • SOAP - Eats OIL.
  • SUDS - Sudsy, not sure what I'll do with this.
  • RDWS - Radioactive waste. Negative pressure for NEUT. Also try mixing it with WATR. :P
  • CWTR - Contaminated water. Not sure what I'll do with this either...



Source code


Win32 compiled

Known bugs:

SOAP isn't a liquid, more of a downwards VENT... >_>

Creator Comments:

I REALLY need help with the SOAP bug.Suggest new elements at [[4]]

PizzaPlatypus' mod

Created By: PizzaPlatypus

Version: 3 using version 42.3

Changes: 27 new elements and edited metal

Elements Added:



Source Code


Win32 Compiled



If you have any element ideas please post them on my mod page, I am currently working on combining with the latest code.

Known Bugs

CO2W and SGRW don't mix for lemonade but these elements will be deleted in the next version.

Creators Comments

Please comment on my mod page to help me develop more mods.

Diissaster's Mod

Created By: Diissaster

Version: 46.0 (GitHub alpha)

Changes: Added 2 new elements.

Elements Added:



Source Code
Win32 Compiled

Known Bugs

SBMB can halt explosion sometimes.DEAD may go crazy before activation.

Creators Comments

Finally, My Mod

Me4502's Mod

Created By: Me4502

Version: 3.0b7


Elements Added:

Lua Features Added


Source Code
Win32 Compiled

Latest Always

Linux Compiled

Version 3.0b6* thanks to TheWiseEyes

Mac OSX Compiled

Version 3.0b3

Known Bugs

None ATM

Creators Comments

My Mod

Jacob1's Mod

Created By: Jacob1

Version: 44.1

Changes: see readme

Elements Added:

Other Features:


Source Code
Win32 Compiled

See forum post. Legacy version also available for older computers

Mac OS X Compiled

See forum post

Linux Compiled

See forum post. 64 bit version available, 32 bit versions to be continued


Created By: FeynmanLogomaker

Version: 8.5

Changes: See changelog page

Elements Added:

Other Features:


Known Bugs:

Creators Comments:

The Alchemy Mod

Created By: savask and SopaXorzTaker

Version: 91.3 (328)


Added lots of reactions to make all the elements obtainable. :)

Links: Forum thread

Source Code

See the forum thread.

Known Bugs

See the forum thread.

Creators Comments

This is a mod that makes TPT an alchemy game, where you have to discover elements to use them!We have added a lot of reactions to make all the elements obtainable.


Mod NameCreated By: Version: Changes: Elements Added: Links: Source Code Win32 Compiled Mac OS X CompiledLinux Compiled Other Known Bugs Creators Comments

You don't have to use Win32 Compiled, Mac OS X Compiled, Linux Compiled or Other if you don't need them.
Retrieved from ''


Between mid October 2019 and mid February 2020 everyone in the Army was migrated to use their PIV Authentication certificate for Email access. You no longer use the Email certificate for Enterprise Email or any CAC enabled websites

Mac users who choose to upgrade (or already have upgraded) to Mac OS Catalina (10.15.x) or Big Sur (11.xx.x) will need to uninstall all 3rd Party CAC enablers per AND reenable the native smart card ability (very bottom of macuninstall link above)

If you purchased your Mac with OS Catalina (10.15.x) or Big Sur (11.xx.x) already installed, you can skip the uninstall part above and follow the instructions below.

6 'high level' steps needed, follow down the page to make this a painless systematic process

1.Is your CAC reader 'Mac friendly'?
2.Can your Mac 'see' the reader?
3.Verify which version of Mac OS you have
4.Figure out which CAC (ID card) you have
5.Install the DoD certificates
5a.Additional DoD certificate installation instructions for Firefox users
6.Decide which CAC enabler you want to use (except for 10.12-.15 & 11)

Step 1: Is your CAC reader Mac friendly?

Visit the USB Readers page to verify the CAC reader you have is Mac friendly.

Visit the USB-C Readers page to verify the CAC reader you have is Mac friendly.

'Some, not all' CAC readers may need to have a driver installed to make it work.

NOTE: Readers such as: SCR-331 & SCR-3500A may need a firmware update (NO OTHER Readers need firmware updates).

Information about these specific readers are in Step 2

Step 2: Can your Mac 'see' the reader?

Plug the CAC reader into an open USB port before proceeding, give it a few moments to install

Step 2a: Click the Apple Icon in the upper left corner of the desktop, select 'About This Mac'

Starcatcher Mac Os Update

Step 2b: Click 'System Report...' (button)

Step 2c: Verify the CAC reader shows in Hardware, USB, under USB Device Tree. Different readers will show differently, most readers have no problem in this step. See Step 2c1 for specific reader issues.

Step 2c1: Verify firmware version on your SCR-331, SCR-3310 v2.0, GSR-202, 202V, 203, or SCR-3500a reader. If you have a reader other than these 6, Proceed directly to step 3

Step 2c1a-SCR-331 reader

If your reader does not look like this, go to the next step.

In the 'Hardware' drop down, click 'USB.' On the right side of the screen under 'USB Device Tree' the window will display all hardware plugged into the USB ports on your Mac. Look for “SCRx31 USB Smart Card Reader.” If the Smart Card reader is present, look at 'Version' in the lower right corner of this box: If you have a number below 5.25, you need to update your firmware to 5.25. If you are already at 5.25, your reader is installed on your system, and no further hardware changes are required. You can now Quit System Profiler and continue to Step 3.

Step 2c1b-SCR-3310 v2.0 reader

If your reader does not look like this, go to the next step.

In the 'Hardware' drop down, click 'USB.' On the right side of the screen under 'USB Device Tree' the window will display all hardware plugged into the USB ports on your Mac. Look for “SCR3310 v2.0 USB Smart Card Reader.” If the Smart Card reader is present, look at 'Version' in the lower right corner of this box: If you have a number below 6.02, it will not read the 'G+D FIPS 201 SCE 7.0' CAC on Mac OS 11.xx.x or 10.15.7. I contacted HID (the company that makes these readers) on 14 DEC 2020 to find a way to update the firmware to 6.02. They said there is not firmware update for the reader. If your reader is older, you may need a new one. Please look at: to find a compatible one. If you are already at version 6.02, your reader should work fine on your Mac and no further hardware changes are required. You can now Quit System Profiler and continue to Step 3.

Step 2c1c-SCR-3500A reader

If you have the SCR3500A P/N:905430-1 CAC reader,you may need to install this driver, as the one that installs automatically will not work on most Macs. Hold the control key [on your keyboard] when clicking the .pkg file [with your mouse], select [the word] Open

Step 3: Verify which version of MacOS you have?

(You need to know this information for step 6)

Step 3a: Click the Apple Icon in the upper left corner of your desktop and select 'About This Mac'

Step 3b: Look below Mac OS X for: Example: Version 10.X.X, or 11.X

Step 4: Figure out which CAC (ID Card) you have

(You need to know this information for step 6)

Look at the top back of your ID card for these card types. If you have any version other than the seven shown below, you need to visit an ID card office and have it replaced. All CACs [other than these six] were supposed to be replaced prior to 1 October 2012.

Find out how to flip card over video

Step 5: Install the DoD certificates (for Safari and Chrome Users)

Go to Keychain Access

Click: Go (top of screen), Utilities, double click Keychain

(You can also type: keychain access using Spotlight (this is my preferred method))

Select login (under Keychains),and All Items (under Category).

Download the 5 files via links below (you may need to <ctrl> click, select Download Linked File As... on each link) Save to your downloads folder

Please know... IF You have any DoD certificates already located in your keychain access, you will need to delete them prior to running the AllCerts.p7b file below.,,,, and

Double click each of the files to install certificates into the login section of keychain

Select the Kind column, verify the arrow is pointing up, scroll down to certificate, look for all of the following certificates:

DOD EMAIL CA-33 through DOD EMAIL CA-34,

DOD EMAIL CA-39 through DOD EMAIL CA-44,

DOD EMAIL CA-49 through DOD EMAIL CA-52,


DOD ID CA-33 through DOD ID CA-34,

DOD ID CA-39 through DOD ID CA-44,

DOD ID CA-49 through DOD ID CA-52,


DOD ID SW CA-35 through DOD ID SW CA-38,

DOD ID SW CA-45 through DOD ID SW CA-48,

DoD Root CA 2 through DoD Root CA 5,

DOD SW CA-53 through DOD SW CA-58, and

DOD SW CA-60 through DOD SW CA-61

NOTE: If you are missing any of the above certificates, you have 2 choices,

1. Delete all of them, and re-run the 5 files above, or

2. Download the file and install each of the certificates you are missing individually.


Error 100001 Solution

Error 100013 Solution

You may notice some of the certificates will have a red circle with a white X . This means your computer does not trust those certificates

You need to manually trust the DoD Root CA 2, 3, 4, & 5 certificates

Double click each of the DoD Root CA certificates, select the triangle next to Trust, in the When using this certificate: select Always Trust, repeat until all 4 do not have the red circle with a white X.

You may be prompted to enter computer password when you close the window

Once you select Always Trust, your icon will have a light blue circle with a white + on it.

The 'bad certs' that have caused problems for Windows users may show up in the keychain access section on some Macs. These need to be deleted / moved to trash.

The DoD Root CA 2 & 3 you are removing has a light blue frame, leave the yellow frame version. The icons may or may not have a red circle with the white x

or DoD Interoperability Root CA 1 or CA 2 certificate
DoD Root CA 2 or 3 (light blue frame ONLY) certificate
or Federal Bridge CA 2016 or 2013 certificate
or Federal Common Policy CAcertificate
or or SHA-1 Federal Root CA G2 certificate
or US DoD CCEB Interoperability Root CA 1 certificate

If you have tried accessing CAC enabled sites prior to following these instructions, please go through this page before proceeding

Clearing the keychain (opens a new page)

Please come back to this page to continue installation instructions.

Step 5a: DoD certificate installation instructions for Firefox users

NOTE: Firefox will not work on Catalina (10.15.x), or last 4 versions of Mac OS if using the native Apple smartcard ability

Download, [remember where you save it].

double click the file (it'll automatically extract into a new folder)

Option 1 to install the certificates (semi automated):

From inside the AllCerts extracted folder, select all of the certificates

<control> click (or Right click) the selected certificates, select Open With, Other...

In the Enable (selection box), change to All Applications

Select Firefox, then Open

You will see several dozen browser tabs open up, let it open as many as it wants..

You will eventually start seeing either of the 2 messages shown next

If the certificate is not already in Firefox, a window will pop up stating 'You have been asked to trust a new Certificate Authority (CA).'

Check all three boxes to allow the certificate to: identify websites, identify email users, and identify software developers


'Alert This certificate is already installed as a certificate authority.' Click OK

Once you've added all of the certificates...
• Click Firefox (word) (upper left of your screen)
• Preferences
• Advanced (tab)
• Press Network under the Advanced Tab
• In the Cached Web Content section, click Clear Now (button).
• Quit Firefox and restart it

Option 2 to install the certificates (very tedious manual):

Click Firefox (word) (upper left of your screen)


Advanced (tab on left side of screen)

Certificates (tab)

View Certificates (button)

Authorities (tab)

Import (button)

Browse to the DoD certificates (AllCerts) extracted folder you downloaded and extracted above.

Note: You have to do this step for every single certificate

Note2: If the certificate is already in Firefox, a window will pop up stating: 'Alert This certificate is already installed as a certificate authority (CA).' Click OK

Note3: If the certificate is not already in Firefox, a window will pop up stating 'You have been asked to trust a new Certificate Authority (CA).'

Check all three boxes to allow the certificate to: identify websites, identify email users, and identify software developers

Once you've added all of the certificates...
• Click Firefox (word) (upper left of your screen)
• Preferences
• Advanced (tab)
• Press Network under the Advanced Tab
• In the Cached Web Content section, click Clear Now (button).
• Quit Firefox and restart it


Step 6: Decide which CAC enabler you can / want to use

Only for Mac El Capitan (10.11.x or older)

After installing the CAC enabler, restart the computer and go to a CAC enabled website

NOTE: Mac OS Sierra (10.12.x), High Sierra (10.13.x), Mojave (10.14.x), Catalina (10.15.x), and Big Sur (11.1) computers no longer need a CAC Enabler.

Try to access the CAC enabled site you need to access now

Mac support provided by: Michael Danberry