In this video I am going to show you How to Install Xcode in OS X.Xcode is the development and debug environment on the Mac, and provides the required develo. For desktop OCR you need to install the UI Vision XModule in addition to Copyfish. It adds the desktop screen capture feature to Copyfish. If you only want to OCR.

3 Years ago01 Dec 2017 5:52 pm by Dog Cow

I learned about FreeTerm because version 1.6 was included and documented in the May 1985 Macintosh Software Supplement. After trying Smartcom and BackDown DA, I now prefer FreeTerm, written by William Bond. FreeTerm versions 1.0 through 1.8 were originally written to promote MacBinary as a file transmission standard in the Macintosh world. Version 2.0 was written to encourage use of MacBinary II.
This blog article is a continuation in a series on XMODEM file transfers between the Mac 512K and my Mac mini running OS X. See the prior article on BackDown, which has links to all the preceding articles.
About FreeTerm 2.0
Taking up just 47K on disk, FreeTerm 2.0 is compatible with the original 64K ROM in a Mac 512K running System 2.0/Finder 4.1, all the way up to System 6 on a Mac 512Ke.
Download FreeTerm 2.0 at Mac GUI Vault
FreeTerm is a simple and free 24 line by 80 character glass-TTY (dumb) terminal emulator. It can send and receive ASCII text files, supports XMODEM file transfer with MacBinary, can copy and paste to the Clipboard, and will send all 128 ASCII characters from the Mac keyboard.
There is no VT100 or VT52 emulation.
Version 2.0, released in August 1987, adds several good improvements over version 1.8, including:

  • up to 57600 baud
  • better MacBinary support
  • can unpack PackIt I, II, or III compressed archives
  • resizable terminal window
  • fast-track XMODEM for error-free serial links

Starting and Configuring FreeTerm 2.0
Double-click the FreeTerm 2.0 icon in the Finder to launch the application. The first time you start, you will be asked which port to use for communications. Select the Modem port. You should always use the Modem port for communications because it has a higher interrupt priority, making it less likely to lose characters at high transmission speeds. Click 'Make Default' to save this selection.
An empty terminal window opens. Nothing you type will appear on the screen yet. First you need to configure the terminal. Choose Settings... from the Terminal menu.
in the Settings dialog, you will see the standard RS232 transmission settings with speed, data bits, stop bits, and so on. In 99% of cases, you will not need to change any of the radio buttons except for Speed. 57600 seems to work well for me, at least for XMODEM transfers.
Now the set of checkboxes at the bottom of the dialog are a different story. These you will need to change. I recommend the settings shown in the screenshot below, with MacBinary Xmodem, Fast-Track Xmodem checked.
Click 'Make Default' to save the settings for next time you use FreeTerm. Or if you don't want your changes to be saved after you quit, just click OK. You are now ready to use FreeTerm 2.0!
Terminal Emulation
As stated earlier, FreeTerm 2.0 is dumb terminal emulator. That means there is no VT100 or other type of sophisticated terminal emulation. Still, you can navigate your way around a Unix or Linux system.
There are a number of tutorials that show how to configure a *nix system so that serial terminals can log in. Depending on which version of Mac OS X you're using, the technique changes. On OS X 10.2, for example, it's fairly straightforward to open a serial line in /etc/ttys
But newer versions of Mac OS X don't use that file the same way. I found that the instructions on this page, Serial console login on OS X, worked for me on Mac OS X 10.5.8.
In the Terminal application, type:
screen /dev/cu.usbserial-A906CJB1 57600

Be sure to replace the cu.usbserial device with the correct name of your USB-to-serial adapter (if you're using one), and change the baud rate if you needed.
In screen, press Control-A. Type a colon ( : ) then type:
exec ::: /usr/libexec/getty std.57600

Again, change the baud rate if needed. If you have FreeTerm running on the Mac 512K and the serial connection is good, you should see a login prompt on the Mac 512K's terminal window.
Try logging in and running some commands. Everything will be echoed on both screens, including your login password typed from the Mac 512K (the one exception is that your password will not show up on the Mac 512K's screen).
XMODEM File Transfers
I find that FreeTerm's greatest utility is for XMODEM file transfers. Open the File menu and choose Xmodem receive... to download a file.
On the sending machine, start the XMODEM file transfer. On the Mac 512K, you will next see a dialog box asking for a file name and location. If you're transferring a MacBinary-encoded file (which you should be doing, because this is the best format!) the file name doesn't matter. MacBinary includes the file name and FreeTerm will automatically use that name for the received file.
Don't you love those old-fashioned, pre-hierarchical Standard File dialogs? After a some moments, the Mac 512K will start downloading the file. After a few seconds or a few minutes, depending on the size of the file, the Mac will beep to signal that transfer is complete. MacBinary files are automatically decoded; there is no need to use BinHex 5.0 on them.
If the file you downloaded was compressed with PackIt, you can choose UnPack File... from the File menu to extract its contents. I discovered that FreeTerm's unpack routines are incompatible with some PackIt archives. I'm not sure what the exact problem was, but when I couldn't use FreeTerm's UnPack command, I was able to use the PackIt II application to extract.

Bluetooth Module Mac Os

FreeTerm can send files via XMODEM too. They will be automatically encoded in MacBinary II format, as long as you checked the MacBinary option in the terminal settings dialog. I have not yet been able to configure lrz on Mac OS X to successfully receive files sent from the Mac 512K. I always get a timeout. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
In conclusion, after having tried Smartcom II, BackDown DA, and now FreeTerm 2.0, FreeTerm is now my preferred way to download files to the Mac 512K. In terms of features and compatibility, BackDown and FreeTerm are quite similar, but FreeTerm wins out because it supports up to 57600 baud which makes transfers go much more quickly.
I recently transferred a 1.2MB file with XMODEM and 9200 baud to Mac 512Ke with a hard disk, and it took about

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45 minutes! So faster speeds really make a difference.
The next article in the Mac 512K blog will either be about Macintosh XINU, if I can find a working copy, otherwise it will be about disk cache and RAM disks.XMODULE Mac OS
The Mac 512K Blog wrote:
This blog chronicles the Macintosh 512K and my projects with it. We will test software, fix hardware, program it, hack it, and generally take the 512K Macintosh to its limits.
Do leave any feedback you may have, either to my email dog_cow@macgui.com or by posting a comment to this article.

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